The Compass Framework

Navigating Leadership through Insightful Dialogue

Today’s #DhandheKaFunda → “Shatter the mold: Praise loudly, chase the wild ideas, and turn every challenge into your playground.”

Story of Arjun and his burned-out team

Arjun was a team leader. His team was burned out because work was hard. Arjun had an idea to make things better. He used a leadership framework at their team meeting.

First, Arjun asked everyone to talk about something good they did. They shared little wins. Everyone started to smile and feel good.

Next, they talked about something new and exciting they would do. Ideas came flying out like popcorn. The team felt happy thinking about the fun ahead.

Then, they talked about what was hard at work. This was the tough part. But Arjun said, "Let's make a plan." They decided to turn the big tasks into little ones and check on them daily.

In the end, they looked back and saw how much they learned. They were not just a team anymore but a band of superheroes ready to fix anything together. And they all felt brave and strong.

What did Arjun do?

He practiced the Compass Framework for The Radical Rainmakers:

The Compass Framework (=TCF)

Arjun understands that Leadership thrives on the ability to engage in insightful conversations that propel teams and individuals forward. 

The Compass Framework creates a structure that promotes understanding, growth, and proactive problem-solving in leadership.

TCF Overview:

  • Recognize achievements (North Point): Identify and celebrate recent successes within the team or project.

  • Identify potential (East Point): Discuss emerging opportunities or ideas that could benefit the team or organization.

  • Acknowledge challenges (South Point): Openly address current difficulties and explore their impact on team morale and project progress.

  • Strategize for improvement (West Point): Solicit suggestions for improving processes, overcoming obstacles, or enhancing performance.

  • Reflect on learnings (Center Point): Encourage reflection on personal and team growth from experiences and feedback.

Implementing TCF:

  1. North Point (Recognition): Start by asking, "What victories can we celebrate?" or "What has the team accomplished this week that we should take pride in?"

  2. East Point (Potential): Proceed with, "What new ideas or upcoming events are we looking forward to?" or "What potential growth areas have we identified?"

  3. South Point (Challenges): Continue with, "What obstacles are we currently facing, and how are they affecting us?"

  4. West Point (Strategy): Encourage proactive dialogue with "What can we do differently to improve our outcomes?" or "How can we turn our challenges into opportunities?"

  5. Center Point (Reflection): Conclude with, "What have we learned from our recent experiences?"

→ Effective leadership is charting a course that recognizes the past, engages with the present, and plans for the future—much like using a compass.

So, dear Rainmakers, a good leader is like a compass that stays course through storms, guides when visibility is poor, and remains steady even when the destination changes.

This week, try the Compass Framework with someone else.

Choose any 1: A friend, colleague, or an acquaintance. Strike up a dialogue. 

Problems are afraid of the Compass Framework. Try it this week.


I'd love to hear from you:

  • Who might you use this framework with?

  • What other leadership frameworks can you think of?

Email me or send me a DM. I’ll respond.

Have a wonderful weekend, all.

Until the next,

Br, UV (founder of Upsquare. Upsquare’s culture breeds radical rainmakers.✌🏻)

ps: read more of UV’s #DhandheKaFunda on LinkedIn.